Missions Focus

Today’s Christian Country
KYMS 89.9 FM in Hayden, ID
KHKM 98.7FM in Missoula, MT
WCDG 88.7 FM in Dahlonega, GA
WUCG 93.1 FM in Blairsville, GA
Pastor John is on all 4 radio stations Monday – Friday at 8:00am and 4:00pm.
Thank you for helping the radio ministry in the spread of the Gospel. With your help, Pastor John will continue on the radio. Come with us on this journey and be a part of changing the world for Christ.
The station is located in Hayden, Idaho and is a listener supported non-profit Christian radio station.
Alexa can find Today’s Christian Country. Say, “Alexa, listen to Today’s Christian Country.”

Life Choices Pregnancy Center
We are committed to share the love of Christ through our prevention, intervention, and reconciliation programs. We will provide educational support and compassionate coaching in conjunction with existing churches and institutions.
Mission: We are a Christ-centered non-profit organization dedicated to the sanctity of human life. We provide support and education to those facing situations related to unintended pregnancy, abortion, sexual health and family life from a Biblical perspective.
LCPC is devoted to loving our clients no matter what their circumstances. We know that the unconditional love of Jesus Christ that was offered to us, helped us through our challenging times in life and will do the same for our clients. Our goal is to offer the client the truth about their options and the resources they need to empower them to make choices that are life-giving.
LCPC is located at 502 N. 2nd Avenue in Sandpoint, ID.
Phone Number (208) 263-7621
Hours Mon & Tues 12pm – 4pm Wed & Thur 10am – 2pm
Because we do not accept any government funds, we are funded 100% by donations from the Church, individuals, and businesses who believe in the life-giving work we do. Your donations and your volunteer services help our clients in their time of need to see the truth of their pregnancy through ultrasound imaging, and their sexual issue as we test and treat their STDs, help them heal from their past abortion, and allow us to model the unconditional love of Jesus while we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are changing, healing, and saving lives now and for eternity.

Faith Comes By Hearing
The mission of FCBH is to get God’s Word to every person in their heart language and cover the world with the Word! Our church has helped produce two languages so far.
Today, Faith Comes By Hearing provides God’s audible Word in 1,566 languages, and they press on to ensure that every translated language has Scripture by the year 2033.
Here are some staggering facts: Earth’s population numbers in the billions, and it’s growing every day. There are over 7,100 languages spoken all over the world. 70% of all humanity live in oral communities, and 50% cannot read at a functional level. How will they ever hear the Gospel? There’s no way that one ministry can complete this task alone.
Faith Comes By Hearing has come alongside the worldwide translation community in a movement to finish the task—to ensure that everyone on Earth has access to Jesus Christ’s Gospel in a format they can understand. The various ministries carrying out this work have entered into an unprecedented time of unity, meaning that at long last, after two thousand-plus years, we can finally see the finish line.
Our goal: To work in partnership to see that the Word of God is recorded and freely provided in every language that needs it by the year 2033.
This is it. The final sprint. The Great Commission completed in our generation.
With your help, we will see it done. Come with us on this journey and be a part of changing the world for Christ.

India National Inland Missions
Is headquartered in New Delhi, India, with outreach concentrated in the largely unevangelized northern states of India. INIM includes Grace Bible College for the training of native evangelists who go out into North India and establish churches. The organization also maintains a children’s home for orphans.
Founded in 1964, India National Inland Mission, Inc. is a non-profit Christian organization that is supported by Christian churches and personal support. This Ministry operates under the radar from Indian government as the Gospel is not allowed to be preached or taught in that country. God has done great things, under the radar.
Mission: Bringing Souls to Christ. Training Souls in Christ. Sending Souls for Christ.
Mailing address:
India National Inland Mission
PO Box 2603
Forest, VA 24551-6603
The Luke Commission
The Luke Commission serves the most isolated and underserved people of Eswatini with free, comprehensive, compassionate health care. At the fixed-site Miracle Campus and extensive outreach network across Eswatini, TLC delivers mobile health services through over 200,000 patient visits annually and serves as a center of excellence for digital solutions, compassionate medicine, and leadership development with a resilient team of over 700 local staff.
MISSION: To deliver compassionate, comprehensive healthcare to the most isolated and under-served populations of Southern Africa in collaboration with local communities, Government, Corporate, and Non-profit partners.
VISION: To end the isolation of rural communities to quality, compassionate healthcare. The Luke Commission continues to grow and change. However, three C’s remain the same.
COMMITMENT: Ten Years ago Harry and Echo Vanderwal first witnessed the devastation of HIV/AIDS on the southern African country of Swaziland. They saw that health care didn’t reach so many of the Swazis who lived in rural areas due to lack of transport. This was not an isolated problem that could be solved quickly or easily. The Vanderwals knew the Luke Commission had to be dedicated to stay long, work hard, and reach rural Swazis one at a time in their own communities.
COMPASSIONATE: TLC sees all humans as precious. Swazis hold great value whether they are young or old, poor and orphaned, sick but not able to access medical assistance. The Luke Commission staff members treat and touch hundreds at just one mobile hospital outreach, but hey reach out one after one after to address the needs of individual Swazis.
COMPREHENSIVE: The Luke Commission provides more than 28 services at every mobile hospital outreach. That has increased from 4 services in 2005.

Operation Christmas Child
Since 1993, over 198 million boys and girls in more than 170 countries and territories have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.
All year our church leads up to the packing date in November. Our Church Family collects different items each month and we store all the donated items for a year end packing party of shoeboxes. You are always welcome to take and fill your own shoebox as well. We are thankful for each and every part that goes into packing a box!